When looking at the itinerary of Royal Ascot, one date really catches your eye. It is the day when the very prestigious and notable cup, The Gold Cup, gets competed for. But it is also the day when Royal Ascot transforms itself into something that is more akin to a fashion catwalk than a historic racing meeting. Yes my girls, it is time for Ladies Day at Royal Ascot limo hire where, quite simply, all eyes are on you to make the day for everyone go brilliantly and for you to look your best for the myriad of cameras that will be ever present at the meeting.
It is your chance to shine on the grandest racing stage of them all and maybe wear an outfit that upstages even the classiest celebrities who have also descended upon Royal Ascot for the day. So, how do you achieve that ‘killer’ look that will simply put all the other girls to shame? The best advice that we can give you there is to engage yourself in thorough research. Look back on the best costumes that have turned up at Ladies Day limo hire for the past few years and take notes. You can see this photographic evidence all over the internet and it should give you the best knowledge you possibly can to turn your ideas into fruition and start designing your own unique look.

The only other clothing item you need to think about is your hat. For some reason, this festival of racing has always deemed the ladies hat as one of the most important items of wear to point out on race days. Perhaps this is because it gives the ladies the freedom of expression to go out and buy or create an exquisite hat of which to parade at Royal Ascot limo hire, the grandest stage of them all. Getting your hat to wear all depends on the budget that you have you can do either one of two things. First of all, you can contact a professional hatter who specialises in original hats for Royal Ascot ladies limo hire and get yourself a bespoke tailor-made hat that will look absolutely divine on your head but will sting a tad in your purse. So, if this is not an option then you may want to look at other options such as; eBay, this is a great tool for little know or amateur designers to sell their wares, which may be fairly original and ideal, for bargain prices. If you are fairly able to do so yourself, then you may be able to get some materials of which to create your own hat.
Whatever you do, one of the main pieces of advice we can give you is to book either a hot pink 8-seater or Hummer limousine hire vehicle to deliver you and your girlfriends in the best and safest possible fashion to this hallowed venue. As you well know, you can’t get more prestigious than a limousine hire car so let our limo hire chauffeurs take you there in style.