You truly don’t know how hard it is until you get in the swing of things and, once you do, you will realise that the world of a pole dancer is not all glamour, intrigue and burlesque. In fact, the art of pole dancing is pretty damned hard but, of course, the proof is in the pudding and once a girl can learn to master pole dancing limo hire, she can have the humble male eating out of the palm of her hand. You see, men are quite easy to control once you know how. So why not, as part of your Hen night/weekend experience book and training session and hopefully learn some tips and tricks that will keep you fit, help your dancing and poise and, of course please the man in your life. For the bride-to-be limo hire, they will definitely learn ways in which to drive her new husband crazy.
However, before you can go anywhere you need some transport. Sure you could call a local firm but it’s a Hen Night limo hire for goodness sake. You have been working really hard for such a long time that you have forgotten how to treat yourselves. So, put away those yellow pages and dial us here at Lux Limos and order one of the many vehicles that we have in our current limousine hire range. Come on, you know it makes sense.
Just imagine it for a moment. You and the girls are all glammed up and ready to unleash yourself on the town, and to that extent pole podiums, and your ‘carriage’ for the evening arrives and parks up outside your front door. Of course, this carriage is in the form of a beautiful, delicious 8-seater hot pink limousine hire; or, even better a huge, astonishing 16-seater pink Hummer limo hire just ready and roaring to take you girls into the night. What’s better even our limo hire chauffeur can be dressed to the occasion. Want him wearing a pink bowtie, hat or other piece of specified clothing? Then leave it with us and we will always endeavour to accommodate your wishes.

Ok, so that’s your ‘wheels’ sorted for the day or evening, so: “What is all this pole dancing malarkey all about?” I hear you cry. Well there are a lot of venues now that recognise limo hire pole dancing as a serious sport and art form and thereby have qualified pole dancing instructors on hand to teach you different pole techniques to improve your fitness and poise. There are all sorts of techniques and positions on the pole for you to learn such as the ‘knee hold’ and the ‘cross knee release’. So before you get the reaction from the girls such as: “Pole dancing is for strippers, why would I want to do that?” Assure the Hens that it really is a fun and invigorating experience and, what’s more, its something different.
So, book both your pole dancing limo hire and pink limousine hire experience today and really get your Hen night/weekend off to a truly cracking and fantastic start.