So, you think that you are a pretty descent art buff then? Are you pretty certain that you can tell your Monet from your Michelangelo? Can you tell a fake Van Gogh from a real one? If you have answered a resounding “Yes!” to all these question then you have our most sincere congratulations. The genre of painting in art is not as rife as it once was and is certainly deemed as a pastime for the country’s top earners. However, this stereotype should not put you off from going out and enjoying art at its best.
So, if you are stuck at a loose end for your free time over the course of the year may we suggest taking advantage of the veritable bevy of buildings in our fair capital that should each be able to facilitate your yearnings for a nice healthy portion of good art? Seem like a good idea? Then take advantage of our cheap limo hire on our black, pink and white limousine hire and head down to London limo hire and see what the myriad of art galleries limo hire there have to offer such a fine, knowledgeable and learned art critic such as yourself. We promise that you will not be disappointed.

London Gallery Tour Limo HireWhy not make your first port of call the prestigious and fantastic Tate Britain limo hire that resides in Millbank in the South-West of London. Here you can have the undulated privilege of casting your eyes over works by such geniuses as; William Blake, John Constable, John Waterhouse and the incomparable James Whistler. All of the Tate Britain’s collection of pictures are painstakingly taken care of with the utmost precision and are present to you, so that you have the due honour of casting you eyes on them. This gallery is absolutely dedicated to delivering only the best collections in fine British art only; so you won’t be seeing any famous foreign artists work appearing on the hallowed walls of the building. Just think of the gallery as producing only the very best in British.
However, if you like you art to be more abstract and contemporary, then we suggest that you head down, with all due haste to the Tate Modern Gallery limo hire that can be found in Bankside, London. This intriguing gallery houses a collection of quite unique and avant-garde art that can be definitely put down as needing an art lover who has a very acquired taste for such works. Such artists as Damien Hurst, Anish Kapoor and Rachel Whiteread all display their unique art exhibition to the public here. The main impact that they are going for is to shock and make people think. Some may describe their respective work as not art, some do. It is all down to taste.
So why not make a date with some of the capitals famous art galleries and get on board one of our 8-seater pink, white or black limousine hire vehicles and go there with your family or friends in style. We can assure you that you won’t regret it.