Due to the fantastic innovation of packages being opened up to you recently by such fun loving companies as Virgin in recent years, you now have even more choice of what you can endeavour to experience on a Stag Weekend limo hire. However, we at Lux Limo firmly believe that there is one kind of experience that is truly unique and that you’d think is the kind of feeling that money can’t buy. However, thanks to these wonderful companies opening up their doors to public consumption for the first time ever, you can now feel as free as a bird and soar through the skies like an eagle from the comfort of your own cockpit. We are, of course, talking about you and your Stag party being welcomed into the world of jet flying limo hire.
Yes, we couldn’t believe our eyes either, the fact that there was something so astonishing and original to put on Stag Weekend itinerary really took us aback and I am sure that it has done the same to you but at the same time excited and ignited a whole myriad of thoughts for your stag do planning. It literally begs you to break with Stag night convention and really try something that is sure to be etched on your minds and heart for months and years after your experience of jet flying has come and gone.

Imagine the multitude of emotions that will be coursing through the veins of your chief stag if you plan out this scenario. You and the guys come to us, club together and hire out a beautiful, prestigious and fantastic black Limo Jeep. You get inside and you are welcomed by the fabulous features that are contained within each and every one of our vehicles such as plasma screen TVs, absolutely phenomenal audio system, and copious amounts of beer on ice chilling to your requirements and laser and fibre optic lighting dazzling throughout. You then roll down the street where you see the groom-to-be staring with an open mouth and wide-eyed amazement as you pull up outside the front door. You open the door then welcome the man of the hour in, be careful he may be in shock and therefore need help getting inside the limousine. You sit him down, take his luggage of him, and then hand a can of cold beer into his shaking hands. Just as he is about to take his first sip you say: “Fancy doing a bit of jet flying too mate?” and he then proceeds to nearly choke on his alcohol with further shock. Sounds fun, no?
All of your Stags will get ample time in the air and get the true feeling of being a fighter pilot under the extremely safe and secure and expert guidance of the pilot who will be taking you out. So why not book this amazing activity today and compound it with a limousine ride in a black Hummer limo. Whatever you decide to do you can be sure that this experience will never, ever be forgotten.