Ah, the wonderful time of year that is the school prom for the students who have recently taken their GCSEs. By all accounts this event will be off the charts in terms of excitement even if the tacky British weather does intervene by consistently raining in the summer. However, there is one way to ensure that the sun is shining on you no matter how hard the downpour is cascading outside. We think that the only way to ensure this eternal sunshine is by getting hold of one of our cheap limo hire cars to be transported to a magical world where you are the millionaire VIP and the people gazing at your cheap limo hire vehicle merely your subjects
Now we can already see that this Hinckley School Prom is making you salivate at the mouth so we will proceed to tempt and tantalise you with other cheap limousine hire options that will probably leave you with no choice but get on that phone and order yourself a slice of paradise in the form of a black Hummer limo hire car or a pink Jeep limousine hire vehicle. Both are rather attractive prospects and can hold up to 16 wild and raucous cheap limo hire passengers inside them.

You see 8-seater black limousine hire just more than makes up for the bittersweet aspect of actually leaving your respective secondary school in Hinckley. If truth be told, although you are kind of embarrassed to admit it, you will miss the old place because over the five years that you spent there you grew up quite a lot and made some of your good friends there. Now, it all seems that you life’s paths are spread out all over Hinckley and nothing will be the same ever again. So what better way to herald in the end of an era than cheap limousine hire.
Now, for you Hinckley school prom limousine hire goes who are looking for a cheap limousine hire vehicle as big an elephant but not as cumbersome, then the Party Bus limousine hire car is definitely for you. In our USA Party Bus limousine hire cars you can actually stand up and have a proper dance inside the actual vehicle itself. Complimentary alcohol free ice cold bubbly is available for you upon arrival as are a selection of soft drinks to celebrate the end of school life and you have unbounded access to our audio and lighting systems. So you see, Hinckley school prom limousine hire really does put the whole thing in perspective and really makes you look forward to the future.