Any teenager in Daventry worth their salt knows and understand how majorly important their school prom is. They know that it is the very pinnacle of their secondary school life, something that they have been a part of for the past five years and that will soon be over but not before they have fully partied most thoroughly at their school prom in Daventry. Well, we here at Daventry school prom limousine hire know all about how important these occasions are to you all which is why we are coming to you today to offer you only the very best in advice and suggestions of how to make your night out with your school friends the best ever.
So whether you are from William Park or Danetre High, we have got the same exquisite limousine hire cars to offer you for your school prom. We see you have perked up at the mention of that possibility. It’s true, cheap limousine hire is more than affordable and is tailor made for you and your friends to experience one final hurrah with each other before school finishes and you all move on to pastures new and bigger and better things. Unfortunately, this may mean you won’t get to see a vast majority of your school friends again. So why not seal these precious memories by experiencing some of them inside a pink fire engine limo hire car. That’s right, you can make the grandest entrance of all with your friends in this converted limo hire car. It’s vibrant colours and fantastic impact will surely turn the heads of all and sundry that gaze upon it.

Perhaps you are looking for a cheap limo hire vehicle that is a little less grandiose. Well look no further than our black, white or hot pink Hummer limo hire cars. These beauties can hold up 16 rowdy and excited William Parker students in the back dressed all in their school prom finery. After you have got in and are drinking more than your fair share of complimentary alcohol free champagne, sorry you are still underage and we are a very stringent and law abiding company, our cheap limo hire chauffeur will have no problem in taking you all on a tour around Daventry and Northampton and let you feel the blissful luxury of going on a limousine hire cruise before dropping you off diligently and excellently at your Daventry school prom venue.
Furthermore, we can be there at the end of the night if you wish to take you all home again, just let us know when you follow our easy to book phoning system; and let us be the one’s to serve you with top quality and cheap limousine hire.