We love to serve people in Cambridge and help make their day’s complete, fun, exciting and special. But sometimes, not matter how much we could try, nothing will be able to alleviate the hurt that you must be feeling. It is at this time that we become more than just a cheap limo hire company and more like a reliable ally to you. Because you have opened up this webpage on this site and clicked on this article means that you are making arrangements for a very sad occasion indeed in the city of Cambridge.
If this is so, and Cambridge has lost one of its most lovely citizens then please may we offer you our most sincere and heartfelt condolences at this very anguishing and sensitive time. Believe us, we are the company who cares and each and every one of our members of staff know what it’s like to lose someone near and dear to them so we are vastly experience with these saddening matters. It has also been our unfortunate honour to serve many funerals in the city of Cambridge as well; and whilst our customers have always been thankful and very pleased with the chauffeur’s expertly delivered service there is always a bittersweet taste left in our mouths that we are there because of the departure of their loved one from this world.

But it is an honour to serve you to the best of our ability and, at the end of the day you have enough stress and grief to cope with in the first place so please, indulge us relieving you of a portion of grief by giving us the responsibility in supplying funeral cars and limousines to take your loved ones to and from the funeral in a safe and secure fashion. We have a myriad of vehicles that we think would be suitable for transporting everyone about. For instance, a 35ft black Limo Jeep or Hummer limousine would be ideal for taking large groups of family around and a prestige car can be hired for the chief mourners. Another thing that we have to find out is if you require any additions inside your funeral limousine such as bottled water on ice or any specific floral or other decorations you wish to take with you and we will endeavour to accommodate every need you may have in Cambridge.
Our final though for you specifically is that you take at least an afternoon away from it all before the funeral to take time to come to terms with your own grief. The worst thing you can do is let it build and brew inside you so you have to be selfish and think about you for a while. Then get on the phone and give us a call.