As you know by now, you Stag night needn’t be limited to the fair British Isles, thanks to being firm members of the European Union there is a veritable bevy of entertainment on the continent at our fingertips just waiting for your Stag party custom. With that in mind, if you are planning the grand Stag do in the winter may we suggest something that will be sure to ‘chill’ you out and make you look ‘cool’ whilst doing it. Cheesy puns aside, we are talking about the amazing world of Bobsleigh Limo Hireing and why you should definitely add this activity to your growing itinerary of European excursions.
We’ve all seen the film ‘Cool Runnings’ so we know that even the basic ice users of us can succeed so, if you are an absolute beginner with the expert tuition of the Bobsleigh Limo Hireing experts. As a side note you will mainly find these venues to the east of Europe in the gothic cities of Prague and Riga where the temperatures often hang around freezing point, even in the summer, thus providing you with the perfect conditions for your run. As I have said before, you can expect the utmost professional guidance from the people who run it; please don’t worry as they do speak English, you aren’t the first gang from Blighty to grace their lovely country and venue you know. With that said, picture you and your 3 other mates whizzing round the vicious twists and turns of the course reaching speeds of about 60 mph and truly giving yourself to the course. There is hardly any other activity that delivers such an ultimate thrill and puts you in such a hair-raising place as being in the driving seat in a Bobsleigh Limo Hire. However, we guarantee that after you have managed to catch your breath at the end, you will look to the top of the course and all shout in a simultaneous chorus: “We want to go again!”

But there is an ever present dilemma that you may be pondering. Although this activity sounds like a fantastic idea, how the devil do you go about getting there? Enter bobsleigh limo hire to allay your fears. First of all, can we ask you to envisage shocking the chief Stag by one of our 8-seater limousines turning up outside his front door to pick him up with you guys just waiting inside with the beers; or, if you fancy something bigger, truly knock his socks off by rolling down his road in a 16-seater black Hummer limo hire, a vehicle that just screams prestige and delivers a massive aesthetic impact on all that see it. From there it is up to you, we can either transfer you to an airport limo hire of your choice or, you can wrap up your European excursion with at limo package and we will take you on a road trip to your bobsleigh limo hire venue, within reason, and deal with all the Eurotunnel and toll costs and wrap it up in one attractively priced package. So, what are you waiting for? Call the bobsleigh limo hire team.