Have you ever fancied facing you fears, especially of heights, in a rather large manner? How does standing on the roof of one of the tallest buildings around and steeping off the ledge and literally walking down the side of it? Right now you are probably beginning to be tantalised and tempted by what I am say and the daredevil in you is rattling its cage and wanting to be unleashed. You may also be planning a Stag and Hen party and are eager to fill up your party plan with an assortment of innovative and exciting activities. You have paintballing, sphereing and Kart racing on the agenda well now, courtesy of the transportation available right here at Lux Limos, you can immerse yourself in the wonderful world of abseiling limo hire.
Limo hire Abseiling was devised in the mid 1800s by a French climber who was trying to scale down the Petit Dru (a mountain contained in the French Alps). After numerous failed attempts and a vast quantity of trial and error were being performed he finally got it right. And it from these pleasant and humble beginnings in a small corner of France that we now have a worldwide phenomenon still going strong across the globe.

But, what better way to hurriedly book and then get yourself to your nearest abseiling outlet then by hiring one of our vast fleet of limousines to help get you there, on time and most importantly of all, in the unique style and comfort that can only be experienced when travelling courtesy of cheap Limos abseiling. So, for instance, why not book you and your friends a pink, white or black Hummer limousine or even, the bigger abseilling Limo Jeep hire to transport your close-knit group of friends to your climbing adventure. The Hummer limo hire is, of course derived from an army vehicle so why not give yourself both the VIP limo hire and army treatment by travelling in the height of style to your set venue. Not only can you be dazzled by the outstanding and frankly beautiful exterior of vehicle including an astonishing paint job and spin-rims, but you will be blown away by the myriad of mod cons that you will discover when you step inside including, champagne on ice, laser lighting, and plasma screen TVs and DVD players and a state-of-the-art sound system.
Abseiling has fast become one of the major pastimes of some the most discerning outdoor adventurists have chosen this as one of their favourites. So why not take a select group of your friends, whether it be for a birthday, Stag limo hire or Hen limo hire day or even a retirement party, whatever you may be, we are sure to be able to offer you a superb and optimum quality of service come rain or shine here at abseilling limo hire. You will be ensured a proficient and exceptional chauffeur service which is delivered to you by the highly trained and expert staff here at a company where we believe that an excellent limo hire quality of service is a RIGHT to you and not a privilege.